Monday, August 30, 2010


One day I was walking down
the street in the Annex when
I saw a couple ahead of me
kissing as they stood on the
sidewalk. As I got near them
I said, "You can't do that here,
this is Toronto." They stopped
kissing and the woman said,
"Yes, but we're from Montreal."
Another time there was a woman
I had seen a lot in my neighbourhood.
One day I asked her where she was
going. "I work at the ROM" she said.
"When in ROM..." I said. "Do as the
ROMans." she replied.

1 comment:

Gordon Warlow - Photographer said...

Kudos Martin! You have been a diligent blogger - practically every day. Very impressive, and the last entry was particularly interesting. People are now finishing your puns... watch out! :-)